You can only drink one drink for the rest of your life, but it cannot be water. What do you pick? to – 194 points –

And no "water with a twist of lemon/slice of cucumber" goofs. Water isn't allowed.


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Elemental mercury.

You'll drink this until the end of your life. Works the same with molten iron though.

I don't actually thing you'd manage to swallow any of the molten iron...

You'd just need one of these:

You just need to get some into your mouth. It will do the swallowing on it's own.

Holy fuck, what is this from?

though can only be ingested once

Based on the posed question and its limiting conditions, elemental mercury is a correct answer. Pure hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol would qualify, too.

If you include materials which are liquid outside of "room temperature," things like magma and liquid nitrogen would also be correct answers.

Olive oil?

You wouldn't live long, but compared to the other options you're listing...

Of the liquids you listed, I think the hydrogen peroxide would be the fastest and most flame-filled death, more than the magma.

100% H2O2 is Very much unlike the 3% kind that can be purchased at a store.
It might even explode, I know shipping tanks of it can and I think that's usually under 100%.

Not quite, actually! I mean, it’s not good for you, but once it’s in your digestive tract it mostly passes straight through rather than being absorbed. The vapor over the liquid is more dangerous, but once you’ve swallowed it that’s not a concern.

I appreciate the creativity, but that is not a drink, good sir/madam...

I posit that any substance which can be ingested as a liquid by pouring it from a container into one's mouth (the act of "drinking") is, by definition, a "drink."

Supposedly, gallium is non-toxic, and liquid at body temperature (though not room temperature).

I think you replied to the wrong comment. Mercury is absolutely toxic. There's no safe quantity at all that you can ingest...