The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. to – 1263 points –
The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

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I'm very similar. I actually just used the official app, but just seeing the way they responded made me leave

The fact that spez just bald-faced lied about what was said in his call with the Apollo dev was a huge red flag for me.

Bold faced*

Huh, TIL. Never sat right with me as a bearded man, perfectly capable of lying, but makes sense that its meant to convey "without a face cover."

even this tiny civil exchange already makes me happy for jumping the boat. (also was always kinda sad for missing out on the early years of reddit; lemmy have no mo fomo)

TIL too! My mother always said bald-faced lie to me as a teenager and so when you corrected it to bold-faced I was like .. no that can't be right. Lol

I just got tired of being on a site that won't just ban you for saying Nazis should be punched, they'll ban you for calling them mean names.

I got banned for saying if I saw someone stealing from a store, I'd follow them to their car and cut the valve stems off their tires. Cuz, ya know - vandalizing someone's car is illegal.

Yo what was the context? Was it a store dedicated to feeding orphans? why would you care?

I care because every theft means I pay more the next time I shop. When someone steals from a store I patronize, they're stealing from me. I was commenting on a post about stealing from Home Depot.

When someone steals from a store I patronize, they’re stealing from me.

Somewhere out there in meatspace just after you hit reply, a capitalist just came in his pants.

I got banned from Jnomil about a post on some little shit kid who like to creep under bathroom stalls and kink on people taking a shit.

I suggested a little shot of piss would be corrective. Banned.

But it's okay for some little shit to invade people's bathroom privacy.