LMG are some Shady ass motherfuckers. Look at this shit...

Scary le Poo@beehaw.org to Technology@beehaw.org – 536 points –

You know, this is some shit that I expect when dealing with some shady asshole on ebay, but LMG?

Bro... Are you ok?

I always wondered if Linus was actually a slimy POS, but this Billet Labs situation has cemented it for me. If you haven't watched the Gamers Nexus followup video, definitely watch it.

Gamers Nexus - HW News - Linus Tech Tips' Terrible Response


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Must nice to have all that time to care about YouTuber drama

Look, I can't say that I don't understand the sentiment, but people calling YouTubers out on their bullshit is strictly better than 'Nobody ever cares about anything outside of their 60 hour a week jobs that they work to pay for an overinflated cost of living in this hypercapitalist dystopia hellscape that they don't have the emotional capacity to care about because of said 60 hour a week jobs.'

I want to hear about this because it means somebody still cares, somebody is still paying attention to the injustice, however trivial or removed from daily life it is.

Honestly I could care less if it was just YouTuber drama. The reason I care and the reason it makes me so angry is because Billet labs is just a couple of guys trying to make a product. They aren't some big company or anything like that, it's just a couple guys working on a passion project. But then Mr Big money YouTube star does literally everything wrong, doesn't even bother to use the product properly, and proceeds to take a giant dump all over Billet labs.

Yeah, I'm going to be a little pissed off about that. Not because I care about some whiny bitch on YouTube but because I feel for the poor guys who got dragged through the mud and our potentially going to take a massive hit in their business once they finalize their product.

I am not defending LTT. They are innthe wrong.
But they sent a unfinished product to one of the most influencial tech youtubers, say that a couple of times and you realize it was naive.
There is many people working on prototypes right now that we do not know off. Because they are prototypes, not products. They played and got burnt. Again, LTT did wrong with them still.

With how bad it is to send an unfinished product to a reviewer, the reviewer could at the very least use the right equipment to fairly review it. If it's such a terrible idea it surely doesn't need the additional help of rushed incompetence to highlight any flaws in the product.

LTT have made tons of videos with prototype CPUs, GPUs, and preproduction versions of pretty much any other hardware one can imagine. I don't think it's naive to send such a reviewer that kind of hardware.

What LTT has done though in this case, with the making of the video, misplacing the GPU, selling the prototype, then the attempts at coverup and shifting blame... is beyond pathetic.

You literally are defending LTT. None of what you said makes sense. So what if it's a prototype? They were given instructions and other information and either due to negligence or complete disregard, they did everything wrong, gave an misinformed bad review, then gave the product away after saying they would be returning it. They have further excused themselves of wrong doing by saying it was for charity and given away at an auction and they didn't sell it. They have refused responsibility and growth at every step of the way. This is also a pattern of behavior and is not just this one instance.

It's not just "YouTuber drama" though; LTT have positioned themselves as The Grand Knowledge on all things tech, so a good number of people turn to them for recommendations. And their recommendations are questionable.

Grand knowledge? I’ve never seen a single one of their videos that told me anything I didn’t already know about a tech item.

Mostly they make super edgelord cringe thumbnails and generally just have an idiots approach to the work they do by breaking things (the famous iMac Pro incident) or approaching things with the grace of a baby elephant.

He’s the computer guy for the 14 year old. It’s wild that the internet looks to them for anything other than shitty low effort product reviews and yammering on about whatever to fill up podcasts.

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1: Maybe you could maybe like not have an attitude towards people doing what they want with their free time? People are allowed to enjoy different things from you and if you don't like it why comment at all? Just move along. 2: This isn't just youtube drama, this is a very large company with a lot of pull hurting other smaller up and coming companies, lying, being shady, and it should be called out. This company influences decisions and needs to be held accountable for theft at this point as well.

We get it, you don't know who LTT is or their relevance. You can ask directly if you want to learn.

We all have to find something that's entertaining to us, no? If you don't, you deserve some

Yeah, that's not what this is. I'm relatively uninvolved, but after going through a few videos on this, they're calling out ltt and lmg because they're actively harming a small start-up and fairly directly misinforming consumers. Now that they're branding themselves as professional tech reviewers instead of entertainers, the bar is a lot higher and it seems that they are NOT clearing it.

I think the parent commenter just wants to feel like they’re better than you.

The first post I saw about this I thought was something to do with Linus Torvalds because people are just assuming everyone has the same context.

To be fair I follow Reddit drama occasionally I’m in no position to criticise.

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