Stressed Out Mom Buys $69K Flat For Herself; Takes A Break From Family Twice A Week to – 49 points –
Stressed Out Mom Buys $69K Flat For Herself; Takes A Break From Family Twice A Week

The acquisition of a 25-square-meter flat has provided Gong with a sense of liberation, as she now spends two days a week at the property, enjoying solitude.


"Finance company owner purchases second home to get away from family"

There is the updated title. Not just a mother, a mother that owns their own company and wants to get away from family obligations. Do what you have to do to find peace, but this title does not express what is actually happening.

Mother seems more relevant when getting away from the family is what the article is all about. It's quite neutral headline as they should be instead of loaded ones like the one you seem to be suggesting with the underlying anti-rich/-capitalist spin.

yeah, leave the rich alone, they might get their feelings hurt. :'c

Journalism should strive to be unbiased.

How can journalism be unbiased when the world is inequal.

They can't, they're flawed just like the rest of us. But they should strive to be unbiased.

Imagine if everyone could just buy a first permanent shelter.

To like, start a family in the first place.

Well the best move would be to stop having kids, as we live in an economic and ecological disaster.

Well the best move would be to prevent ecological and economic disaster 50 years ago when we knew it was gonna happen and why.

No, that's in the past and no one can change that.

You can change where the gurt go, and what the gurt do, right now

Oh, we meant a current course of action by the affected and powerless, yeah, give up all dreams and rights and watch it burn I guess

I suggested a current course of action for the affected, which provides them immediate and lasting power over their futures.

We are currently already watching it burn, and kids only speed that along.

Possessing property is not a right, unfortunately.

You are powerless insomuch as you position yourself to be overpowered by the world and the country you live in. Staying powerful comes from staying flexible.

Reminds me of all of those “I paid off my student loans by the time I graduated” (by just having rich parents and living with them and spending their money

And every other parent who can't afford a home, let alone a second just because one, is seething.