Poor sir knight

nifty@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 423 points –

Of course, but true warrior shits his pants and doesn't give a fuck.

This is not a joke but historical fact. Especially during battle.

Emptying your bladder and colon is also a survival mechanism. Decreases chance of a rupture during blunt force trauma.

It's good sometimes to be mindful of life's most basic lessons

I prefer the Catholic version, "Nobody Poops But You."

I looked up how the knights pooped in armor, apparently chain mail and full plate still allowed enough flexibility to squat: https://neutralhistory.com/how-did-knights-in-armor-go-to-the-bathroom-the-secret-technique/

Armor being bulky / unwieldy is a myth, probably stemming from fantasy books and rpg's. It was made with movement in mind. There are accounts of knights doing crossfit in armour. But since a book about a tiny halfling wouldn't be fun if it ended with "and then he met a knight in armour and fucking died as his shitty dagger bounced off", then they had to take artistic license.

As long as he doesn't shit himself to death like the one in the beginning of A Knight's Tale

Wat: The spark of his life is smothered in shite. His spirit is gone but his stench remains.

Good sir Knight of pepto

Could say he is q peptophile