Pride month rule to – 300 points –

whats raytheon

world renowned manufacturer of brown people obliteration tech

A manufacturer making the funny possible (this comment was sponsored by NCD)

whats NCD?

Non Credible Defence is a community on Lemmy (I forget which instance) that seems to be about the Ukraine-Russian war, favouring the Ukrainian side (I think). I'm uncertain of this because the most distinctive aspect of NCD is the "shitposty" approach to what is sometimes really dark war stuff, which makes discerning their "stance" difficult. I've seen some people denounce NCD and argue that it's inappropriate to make light of the realities of the war with memes, but I can also see the argument that NCD is at least partly satirical, and that people have been coping with the horrors of war by making light of it for millennia. I haven't spent much time in that community myself, so take my explanation with a pinch of salt.

It's easier to answer your first question about Raytheon. They're an American (I think) military manufacturer who are profiting absurdly from Israel's ongoing genocide of Palestine. Arms manufacturers and other corporations putting rainbows on stuff during June is always a bit cringe, but it's more offensive than ever. N.b. I don't know if Raytheon has actually done any pride branding or if that logo in the image is created for meme purposes.

While they do seem to be pro Ukraine, that's not their raison d'être.

They're just a national defense/defense industry shitpost community with what seems like a genuine appreciation for cool vehicles, aircraft, and other equipment, even if most of them would prefer that equipment was never used for its intended purpose. Credible defense was for serious military posting on Reddit, but I don't think there is a lemmy community for that.

Right now a lot of that equipment is being used in Ukraine so a lot of posts reference it.

Edit: Also, Russia is currently providing a lot of fodder for shitposts.

Arms manufacturer. In fact, a previous CIO told us he moved to the fashion company I worked at at the time because he was in a presentation where all the members seemed to be almost orgasmic over seeing the new weapons they were developing. Just his story about it so perhaps exaggerated but...

I totally want Raytheon pride merch as well as the highway patrol, navy, and nuclear power industry. If they are in a terrible industry I want their pride merch

One of those things is not like the other.

Not all things need to be the same?

I think the point missed your head by a good six feet

What do you have against the nuclear power industry

Actually, you should check out a little documentary called The Toxic Avenger.

Ugh, fine, I'll block you too, but for real, is there anyone on this entire platform who isn't a troll

At the start of the month I checked them and the Pinkertons and it looks like neither of them changed it this year which made me really happy.