Is there a live thread for Ukraine updates like the world news one on that dumpster fire of a service that shall not be named? to No Stupid – 129 points –

Title says it all, just trying to find a place to see status updates…


It's not real-time, but the Institute for the Study of War puts out very well-regarded daily updates on their site. They're very detailed and talk about both military and political developments, with bolded summary points at the top if you don't have time to read the whole thing. You can also subscribe to their RSS feed to stay up to date, which includes similar updates for Iran, Taiwan, and jihadist movements.

wait, there's an entire swath of territory north and west of Kharkiv that has no conflict?

Is Russia just doing things the hard way, or am I missing something

They initially tried invading south from Belarus towards Kyiv (remember the caravan?), but the offensive stalled out and was pushed back by mid-April; apart from occasional missile barrages the focus has been on the east ever since.

! is the most active. I’ve been trying to get ! off the ground, but there’s a pretty critical shortage of contributors. Would love if you stopped by!

what is the deal with "credibledefense" v "noncredibledefense"

it all looks like inscrutable trash

Noncredibledefense is what happens when the world's alleged second strongest military invades its neighbor, completely screws the pooch, gets its shit pushed in, and struggles to hold its gains while the world watches and makes memes about it.

Noncredibledefense is neoliberal military themed shitposting, credibledefense is a subreddit for defense hobbyists. The former is hit or miss, mostly based on your politics, I do try my best to keep the latter pretty focused on the facts.

thank you. is there an origin story for these names?

Credibledefense was the original,“credible” was meant to emphasize that they expected well sourced comments and posts. Then people wanted a space for shit posting so they made a partner sub named non-credible defense.

There is which has a news ticker. I used it to get an overview of the situation on a map, which is visualized pretty well imo. I don't know where the information comes from, so always double check if possible.