GOP governor candidate says abortion is only for women who won't "keep your skirt down" to politics – 302 points –
GOP governor candidate says abortion is only for women who won't "keep your skirt down" - LGBTQ Nation

Heard this one before. How long before we hear about his extramarital affairs and the abortion he paid for. It's always projection with these assholes.

EDIT: My bad, this guy just paid for his future wife's abortion. Rules for thee and not for me. Slightly different hypocrisy for this guy.

Do a background search on this asshole. He is one more hypocrite.

Him and his wife already had an abortion - that’s fine IMO but fuck him for telling everyone else how to manage their reproductive rights.

He’s a crook too. Shocker right? A fishy Republican? All the news sites here in NC have been doing reports on his business practices over the last several years - prior to him getting in government and apparently paying Federal income taxes wasn’t part of his MO.

Of course he has played it up like ‘poor me I couldn’t afford it’ and blamed all his losses on NAFTA. The guy is a real piece of work. He makes no mistakes it’s all someone else’s fault.

somebody should give that guy ass-cancer and tell him he can't get it removed because he couldn't keep his pants up.

Anyone know where to get your hands on a uranium butt plug?

not that would be radioactive enough to do the, uh, job, no.

(you can buy some depleted uraninum in small cubes and such for people trying to collect a periodic table of the elements, etc. Or you can just buy the ore on amazon...)

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Remember kids, if it's a legitimate rape the body has ways of shutting the whole thing down. (For the younger folks here, a republican actually said that)

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Every child, every fetus, every embryo is the result of some man getting his dick out of his pants. Women could parade around like Gustave Corbet's L'Origine Du Monde

(NSFW, obviously. Not sure if I can put the link without the image popping up?) and it wouldn't cause a damn thing unless some asshat with a penis like him went poking it around.

Every Abortion Begins With A Penis.

GOP governor candidate can go sit on a cactus.

That’s rude. As a slutty woman I think even prudes should be allowed bodily autonomy as well.

I mean ok. I'll take it. Just reinstate roe v. Wade.

Right? What's the point of his statement?

An attempt to further associate abortion with the perceived immorality of sluttiness and to assert that all needed abortions are due to preventable choices on the part of the individual needing them. I wish it was true, but I live in reality.

Clayton there wants people to accept white pride?

Ok sure, not sure what I’m proud of though.

Increased skin cancer chance?

Wokiebait detected.. nice try..