Rate my setup (plz don't kill me)

ColdWater@lemmy.ca to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 166 points –

Where is the background with a half naked anime girl?

My roommate literally behind me everytime I use my computer gotta keep everything family friendly

Just flex on them and go with full nsfw themes on every device you have. As a cherry on top just add nsfw system sounds.

Wait, is this like a really accurate replica of the Windows explorer, or is it actual Windows explorer in a VM with seamless mode?

Edit: No sane person would add stuff like OneDrive and 3D Objects to an explorer replica, so my guess is VM.

Yep it's vm, I only use it for Ms office because Only office and Libre office don't play nice with my language

Aww, I was hoping it was a replica. That would have been really funny.

I think it’s Winapps that you’re using for the windows explorer, am I right?


Yes it's winapps and make it run explorer is all I can do, everything just didn't work I'm too dumb to figure it out but I can run everything from explorer anyway a bit inconvenient but I'll make do

Will it work with Boxes, or only KVM?

(Boxes is like VirtualBox but simpler, but with no 3d video support for Windows guests. Unlike VirtualBox, it actually works out of the box on Fedora 40.)

I don't know about Boxes but yes it'll work with only kvm I think they have a guide on their GitHub how to set it up


Apt doesn't work on Fedora so I have given up for now. Still trying out different distros.

Didn't know that one, thanks!

Something is wrong, I can feel it.

why do you run Windows 10s File Explorer?

Everything is in good order don't worry about it XD, I run windows explorer because I need it to run MS Word because Only office and Libre office don't work well with my native language

Good that you can slap something together that fits your needs.

I like that you use the MacOS-like tray and at the same time use windows explorer, some kind of Fusion-OS or Frankenstein-OS 😁

Ah damn that sucks, what's your native language if I may ask?

It's Khmer

Oh, thats cool then that MS Word supports it in a satisfactory way and you still can enjoy Linux :)