Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 always online, including campaign, due to "continuous" texture streaming to – 75 points –
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 always online, including campaign, due to "continuous" texture streaming

How fast do they think internet connections are? If the higher quality assets were that big compared to the 300 GB install no way they're going to finish loading or fit in the memory while you're playing the game

Separately, I wonder how significant the extra bandwidth costs will be on the overall expenses of running the service

Will it have any fallback systems so that it remains playable even when servers go down?
if not, it is another candidate for

They're inventing a technical reason to require online to make the game functional. This is insane.

Pretty sure basically all PC games in the last 20 years are candidates, it's just a matter of time. I was surprised how many big titles from the mid 2000s are no longer playable, and you know DRM hasn't gotten less dependent on remote servers since then.

It's really the only argument for buying physical console games, but even then you're rarely intended to play the version of the game that ships on the disk/cart.

so, you have gigabytesper second of disk io, and the game relies on the couple of megaBITS of internet bandwidth most people have to stream textures? As opposed to downloading and installing them once as an update...

This does not pass the smell test.

You couldn't have said it any better. This doesn't make a single bit of sense and something is truly fucky here

So this means it doesn’t take up much disk space right?

Xbox's store page for the game reveals Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's install size is an eye-watering 309.85 GB.


If they add any patches, then Series S owners won’t be able to install it at all, much less own any other games.

How much bandwidth will this use per hour of play? This sounds like a data cap destroyer.

In the past there were games where you were given the option to install an optional HD texture pack. Can they simply do this here, too? Yes, they can. But no, gotta waste bandwidth..

It'd be really funny if it's only streaming the texture for like a small bush and this is just a shitty justification