Road maze stumps drivers in French village to World – 92 points –
Inventive or stupid? Road maze stumps drivers in French village

That's a terrible solution to the problem. It will only work a short time on locals before they just ignore it. And in the mean time is a huge safety issue because drivers will focus on the lines and are more likely to miss pedestrians or even oncoming traffic.

The worst part about this is the already have a much better solution in the picture. Add more of these tree/plant boxes to the road. It will narrow down the road and force drivers to slow down.

It would still cause some issues with visibility but if you space the trees out enough and add some clearly marked pedestrian crossings that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Absolutely. It's like they did zero research before deciding to do this, like not even a few minutes of googling. Making cars slow down on a non-highway is a solved problem. We know how to do it already, no need to do wacky experiments. It's called "traffic calming", and you can read all about it online.

It's a small village in France. The mayor got wasted on pastis and wine with his buddy Jean-Paul that owns a construction company one night, and they had this brilliant idea. Small French villages can get weird especially ones in very rural areas.

Not only to narrow the road, but to shift the axis left and right. This also helps to slow traffic.

just build the fucking speedbump

There are speedbumps everywhere in France. So Citroën and Peugeot make cars with really good suspension so you can just blast over them, and the only cars that slow down are the tourists who were driving slow anyway

That's what pinch points are for. I have no idea what the French call them but they are these things.

One side of the road is narrowed, so traffic coming down must stop and wait for traffic coming up. Slowing the traffic down

These literally just make the fuckin idiots accelerate,-0.318949,3a,75y,188.79h,80.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s\_diyixAwuPgeCC70fbMQJg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

Here's the spot.

It looks like there are two roads and the village is kind of at their cross, so it's probably people trying to get from Point A to Point B rather than to the village. Doesn't look like there's presently an easy way to drive around the outside of the village.

The roads in the village don't look to me to be well-suited to high-speed traffic at all. They are narrow, and the place is full of blind corners, with very little frontage space between the buildings and the street. I would bet that the village road network and building layout has been there since before cars were around.

Maybe add a bypass road that goes around the village further away so that through traffic can still get through quickly and so that people in the village don't have high-speed traffic going down their main street.

Interesting. I wonder how long it’ll last before people get used to it and start plowing through again

Local? Probably before the paint was even dry. Other people will probably still be scratching their heads when they plow full speed into a wall because from my experience slowing down when in doubt seems to drop in priority lower every year.