Huawei Is Now Reportedly Selling Beef Products That It Received As Sanctions-Evading Payment For Argentina's 5G Equipment to Not The – 290 points –
Huawei Is Now Reportedly Selling Beef Products That It Received As Sanctions-Evading Payment For The 5G Equipment

This is literally a civilization trade offer

"I offer: 2 meat. You give me: space-age technology I don't know yet."

Just don't try to add a fucking embassy to the deal. Never happening

You have insulted me and my people with this offer 😡 (unless you add 3 gold/turn)

Meh, 3/10 sanctions avoidance payment

Doesn't even come close to the 15/10 Russia war fleet to Pepsi "payment"

Are you referencing something or is this satire?

In the 90s Pepsi had a contest with prizes and as a joke they advertised that they were gonna give a winner a real jet fighter

That's a different story. This one is about that time Russia/USSR paid pepsi with old military equipment to get around sanctions. I think they couldn't actually receive it because they're not allowed to have that but it's a funny story regardless. I think someone already posted the link

Gross 🤢🤢🤢

Why is it gross?

Why is it gross?

I guess because beef spoils easily, and many of us don't find the bribe givers and takers in our lives to be the most conscientious people we know.

There's a good chance it's fine for everyone involved, but also a good chance that it's not.

It will all be flash frozen and shipped to China.