catgirl rule to – 455 points –

I thought op meant literally hacking into someone’s servers and was like: yep 👍 this checks out … wait why does the catgirl need linoleum to hack?

Ir isn't the xomputer hacking? What is it then?

This is why hard floors are better than carpet.

They always, ALWAYS find a spot with textiles.

We have hard floors throughout and two rugs, one in the bathroom and another in the dining room. The dogs puke on the dining room rug and the cats alternate between it and the bathroom rug. Only rarely does someone spew on the actual floor and even then I think it's because they couldn't make it to a rug in time.

That's cause in nature, grass is easier to clean than stone. If you chuck up on the stony parts of your house, it's not magically going to go away. But if you chuck up on the grass, it'll soak into the soil and the bugs will break it down and the grass will metabolise it. They're just displaying normal, practical behaviour for a world without humans.