Rule to – 198 points –

I wonder what he thought of oppenheimer


Please stop promoting hateful idiots' contents. Thx.

Nobody here will click Ben Shapiro because someone made a meme showing off his hypocrisy. This is not promoting content. Stop trying to get people to self-censor, weβ€˜re not on Reddit here. Thx.

That's not a meme, just a YT screenshot.

I would kind of argue that Ben Shapiro constitutes a meme tbh

That wankstain is a deranged and dangerous lunatic, not a meme.

This is clearly a meme tho. The first vid is titled "you're not allowed to talk about it" and the SS shows he talks about it for probably as long as the movie itself

I would argue that calling a possibly humorous image posted to the internet a meme, is itself a meme in language and has gone past our ability to stop it.

I doubt anyone who doesn't like this guy would watch a 1 hour or 42 minutes long video either way. Most people would just look at this image, say "what a loser" and move on.

Wow what a loser that silly Ben Shapiro man is. Just going for a walk now, will probably forget about B.S and his extra king video before I get to the front door.

Maybe he only wanted to watch Barbie. Oppenheimer may not be the kind of movie he is into.

Just imagining having to listen to Shapiro for that long makes me shudder.