Thoughts on the wasp and pillar discourses?

WizBiz [He/Him] to – 163 points –

You know, I kind of miss that part of r/196. Made it feel more like a community. Now it feels kind of... empty? Sounds weird, I know but the lack of a lot of old denizens does show.


196 column discourse always sleeps on the richly decorated arabic versions of corinthian capitals, like this or this (both from moorish spain)

This post seriously illustrates the effects of Reddit’s policy change. All of the users who made the subreddits what they were have left. Some have found a new home here so the best memes are now on Lemmy.

I like tuscan for it's simplicity while not being irregular like Doric. Ionic is also really good looking. then there is composite. then corinthian then lastly doric.

Alright so this was a subreddit I'd never heard of until I came over here and this but is pretty intriguing.

But can someone tell me why the fuck y'all put "rule" after all your post titles? Not hating just... confused.

It's from the Reddit days, there was a rule that you had to post before leaving so people would title their post rule to signify they were abiding by the rule. It's just carried over there, I find it kind of helpful in determining what sub or community I'm on without having to look at it.

From Sidebar:

Rule: You must post before you leave.

Post titles can sometimes be hard, so "rule" will suffice. Or, you could choose to be only slightly more creative, for example I could write, "Jedediah rule" for this image:

Text reading: someone called the Kentucky Derby "Amish Nascar" and my day hasn't been the same.

Tuscan looks like the bottom of a chess piece.

They sort of all look like the bottoms of increasingly expensive chess sets.

Ionic is pretty sweet, so is composite. Tuscan is nice for that minimalist vibe

Doric is soft and sad, while ionic is hard and happy. Oh we were talking about pillars?

Is this a post about pillar styles? Yes. But also the posts coming out of 196 are the single handed funniest fucking things I've ever read in my life. I don't even understand it but it's so fucking hilarious don't stop to explain.

Ionic just got that Ancient Greek vibe that goes really hard. I want to go smash the Persians with my buddy Alexander when I see it