Gender non-conforming family called "Satanic" after being outed by school

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 231 points –
Gender non-conforming family called "Satanic" after being outed by school - LGBTQ Nation

Every "home" I've ever entered has gender neutral bathrooms.

You could make a Trumpist poster saying "Joe Biden will force EVERY American home to install GENDER NEUTRAL BATHROOMS! Only Trump can stop him!" and it'll be round the world of hateful Facebook grandparents in about 20 minutes.

I'm more worried about the homes where the dad insists on watching you piss in order to confirm your gender.

The school already had single stall bathrooms for fuck sake! I use a non-gender conforming bathroom at work all the time even though it’s labeled “men” and “women” because I can close the door and no one can see me and it’s exactly the same as the other! And using kids pronouns? You use kids pronouns all the time, just this time you use the one they want.

Close-minded people trying to ruin literal children’s education because they are too fragile of snowflakes to take the signs off of bathrooms and use a different pronoun than they feel is “right”. Honestly, it’s good this came out, because the kids would have probably been bullied anyway from the kids with shitty parents. Now the parent can pick a more appropriate school.

I fucking love gender neutral bathrooms because I like being alone, and large groups get hung up on them, so they are always available and clean.

At my highschool, there were only gender neutral bathrooms (and one women's bathroom that I assume was vestigial)

There used to be a parents and disabled persons unisex toilet in my local shopping center and I used to use it because it was clean and comfortable to use without having to be near random people but they removed it for some reason now I have to use the regular bathrooms that always have a wet floor for some reason

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Friendly reminder that minding your business is one of the lowest effort activities out there.

Shockingly difficult for certain kinds of people.

Those people's own business is usually so fucked they have to get into others' to avoid dealing with their own.

I think that's scientifically accurate, too.

People seem to really hate pronouns. I wonder what other parts of speech will be next....

I am readinf this book on the history of being a heretic. It really is amazing how there is no bottom to this. People have been murdered, in multiple eras, in multiple parts of the world because of facial hair choices.

Give the religious types the slightest amount of power over culture and they will show zero restraint

I note the article doesn't name the school. My thought process that led to this was on the first reading I noted it said it was a charter school. Charter schools were sold by our legislatures as being hybrid public-private schools that lacked religion.

I think this charter school is crossing some lines that were promised wouldn't be crossed when charter schools were approved by legislatures. Those kids need to find a more accepting environment, they're currently being harmed.

Whenever a group in power says "we promise we won't do the bad thing" you can be rest assured, they will do the bad thing.

The article sounds like school was fine for the most part. It was other parents that were dicks. And the one faculty member that complained about being forced to use pronouns. Probably the same person who leaked info about the kids sex.

Ah, it was a charter school. That explains a lot. :P