vacuum rule to – 347 points –

Since a lot of people seem to be confused. Obviously it's a real cat and it didn't even change expression while being vacuumed inside a plastic bag.

Alternatively the owner probably just ordered one of those silly pillows people make.

This reminds me of the trend back inthe day of raising kittens inside a glass jars so their bodies would conform to it like those square watermelons. They were called Bonsai kittens

I loved my bonsai kitten! I probably still have it in a closet somewhere. I should probably feed it...

Omg is that photoshopped or a fake cat?

It seems like the real cat is sitting in the background, so I guess ot is fake

I had the same reaction. I believe it's a felted craft the cat owner made and vacuum sealed. Whatever it is they did a nice job

Yeah I'm not ready for this. But then I was not not ready for the eepy fake cats whose side rose and fell thanks to an internal motor.

The uncanny valley is not just for humans anymore.