Israel's Netanyahu walks political tightrope on Washington trip following Biden's exit from race to – 83 points –
Israel's Netanyahu walks political tightrope on Washington trip following Biden's exit from race

Fucking parasite here to ask for money and political support for genocide...

We are paying for this shit people! Never forget.

Wasn't he invited by Mike Johnson?

is mike jones not part of the regime?

What point is u making?

The point they are making, that's seems to be escaping you, is that Mike Johnson is the opposition party to Biden and with Joe leaving, Netanyahu has only the fascists to team up with now. So the people paying for this is all of us but the people cutting the check, so to speak, are the right wingers who support authoritarians.

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He should never be allowed to step foot on American soil without being arrested immediately

I don't know what Kamala's stance on Israel's genocide of Palestinians is.

But there is a zero chance she supports them no matter what like Biden.

Bibi just lost his closest ally in world politics. An actual ceasefire is likely coming before Biden leaves office, because without Biden, Israel doesn't have the blank check anymore.

Don't celebrate too soon. Trump was the one that recognized Jerusalem for the Israelis. He's really not fond of brown people, and counts American Evangelicals as part of his supporter base.

He also repealed the law prohibiting Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory. Netanyahu was so grateful, he named a settlement after Trump in Golan Heights.

Kamala has been critical of Israel in the past, so I am hopeful she will defund these genocidal, conservative shitbags.

It's funny how demanding Bibi is of Biden considering he absolutely loathes Biden. Bibi is a long-time Trump supporter.

It's funny how demanding Bibi is of Biden considering he absolutely loathes Biden. Bibi is a long-time Trump supporter.

Yep, I hope Kamala cuts ties with Netanyahu, fuck that duplicitous genocidal octogenarian.

Cutting Israel off completely would be unprecedented. I wouldn’t expect to see that.

Withdrawal of munitions support pending a new criminal investigation of war crimes, however, is absolutely necessary.

Bibi's interests are NOT Israel's interests. We hate him And yeah, Biden was good to Israel not only as president

That's a naive, take... the only reason why she is allowed to take for Biden is because AIPAC approved it... y'all need to learn how this game is played... jfc it is 2024.

there is plenty of legitimate AIPAC criticism without having to cast them as shadowy conspirators controlling American politics. It's not a good look.

In American politics, money is power. It's not shadowy at all anymore. It's the law.

AIPAC has a ton of money and they spend it heavily on candidates here. They notoriously flip-flop between left and right candidates to get the best deal for themselves. It's not some consipiracy theory. They are just one of many wealthy entities who openly and legally purchase influence in American politics.

It's not a good look.

i am sorry the truth hurts... about time gen pop found about how AIPAC operates.

a hostile foreign state has this shite operating within US without having to comply with foreign agent laws...

limp dick regime at its finest!

Can you explain how events like the Iran nuclear deal, or the arms sales to Saudi Arabia fit into your worldview? How is it possible for the US to pursue policy against Israel's interests?

The world is lumpy, conspiracy theories are flat.

You are poorly educated on both issue it appears...

  1. Ksa and Israel on the same side against Iran, ksa is not a threat to Israel

  2. Israel doesn't want that deal, since it de-escalated the situation. Israel prefers the tention it is eaiser to justify the genocide. In fact Israel hopes US would invade Iran over it like we did did Iraq ;)

He could be open about supporting Trump before, now he's worried he won't win so he's trying to hedge his bets a little bit. Don't be fooled fascists stick with other fascists.