JD Vance says he's annoyed that he won't have the chance to debate Kamala Harris

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 46 points –
Vance says he's annoyed that he won't have the chance to debate Harris

He's relieved. He would have been destroyed, just like pence was.

Remember that fly on his head? Simpler times.

Plent of chances for Vance to get his own bug and get destroyed. He should worry about Harris's VP pick. Lots of great Dems for her to pick that can ruin the biggest bootlicker of Old Sleepy Don.

the biggest bootlicker of Old Sleepy Don.

Woah, woah woah. There's a lot of competition for that title!

The competition doesn't end, true, but Old Sleepy Don gave the VP prize to just one unlucky sucker. I'm sure a new brown nose challenger will supplant him eventually, the same way goodie Mike P was.

Kamala issues a challenge to them, 2v1, no items, fox only, final destination

Well, his RNC speech wasn’t impressive at all and he completely lacked charisma. He stumbled through it and sounded like a robot. JD is fake as hell , has a lot of baggage and isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

Bruh she'd use his shitty pube beard as a mop for the capital floors if he even tried. The only actual shit he's done is try and parasitize more successful politicians, he's a wet noodle