When your shower uses GitHub more than you

Gollum@feddit.org to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 826 points –

Plot twist, all of those are project initial commits.

Oh no. I think just reading that idea gave me cancer.

Keep your unfinished project ideas in a folder of shame like everyone else.

I hate these unrealistic beauty standards

If I ever saw a Github commit history like that, I'd be concerned.

Quality over quantity, hackers.

When it comes to commits, single feature / scoped commits are quality. So this git history is actually underwhelming if the author is full time. This is a good read.

I'm familiar with and practice atomic committing habits. Still seems excessive.

Mine looks a little like that. It's my job though. Everything's on GitHub.

That article also mentions squashing merges though, which would lower the contribution count by a lot unless there's a GitHub setting to have separate branch commits tracked that I'm missing out on.

I prefer my activity graph in blue.


Where's the blue graph? You linked to a homepage of some website.

Imagine going to take a shower to relax and instead seeing this.

This shower is more employable than I am

That shower is more employable than most of us.

But I also bet it's under-paid because it hasn't learned to set boundaries.

Or it's an epic hobbyist.

I like to think the tiler knew exactly what he was doing, and sometimes chuckles about the epic troll to this day.

My shower doesn't use me at all.

That's not what it feels like to your shower though.

I wanna spread the news
That if it feels this good getting used
Oh you just keep on using me
Until you use me up

Cool idea tho, it'll help redditors to maintain hygiene