The floor is Java to Programmer – 691 points –

Careful where you step, there's shit on the floor!

1 more...

You currently owe Oracle $500MM in unpaid licensing fees for this floor.

Oh, shit. Step on it! Quick!

Imagine trying to find shoes that don't look like clown shoes when your toes are that spread.

Skate shoes should work. They almost always have a large toe box.

It's too early to be attacking me, Lemmy. My feet are burning from all that boilerplate.

Great, it's reliable and enforces design patterns!

Assembly is inaccurate. You have to build a horse fibre by fibre. Theoretically, it would be the fastest horse ever if it could be actually built

Great, it’s reliable and enforces design patterns!

Upvoted because this is Programmer Humor. Thanks for the laugh, stranger!

I'm very amused that (so far, on my client) you seem to have no up or downvotes, but an upvoted response. No programmer kink shaming, but no one else wants to be nice to Java either.