Republicans keep saying Harris is in the ‘honeymoon’ phase. But her crowds and momentum keep growing to politics – 305 points –
Republicans lament Harris’s ‘honeymoon’ presidential campaign momentum

Something something Trump has a miserable marriage and can't imagine liking anyone or anything more than the amount of time he's getting paid to. There's a joke in here somewhere.

For the rest of the world this is so far before an election, but for the USA this "honeymoon phase" might last until November.

Please someone to tell GOP: Most people do not convert to home wreckers - even after honeymoon.

There's nothing to see here, Trump campaign. Big giant nothingburger. Just go campaign in Alabama or Mississippi. The Honeymoon will be over any day now.

Better yet, keep campaigning at Maralago. I'm sure they haven't had enough of him yet.

Honeymoon phase lasts 6 months on average. Even if this were true that's plenty of time

I guess the honey moon phase lasts longer with people that don't think women are second class citizen baby machines who shouldn't have rights?

Or with people that excite their significant other, right Ben Shapiro?

Well if that's true, there's no reason to say anything at all. Just let it run its course.

Are those statements contradictory? Like aren't big crowds and momentum exactly what you'd expect during a "honeymoon phase," if that's what was going on?

I don't particularly think that is what's going on, but the framing doesn't make sense to me.

Kamala gave me a handy behind Walmart when we were in high school

Good on her doing charity work