What's Pastebin.com Open Source Alternative For Now?

occultist8128@infosec.pub to Open Source@lemmy.ml – 38 points –

all i can find is the self-host ones, what i'm looking for is the centralized like pastebin.com but open source. thanks in advance.


I'd recommend https://privatebin.info, https://toptal.com/developers/hastebin, or https://rentry.co. All are open source and awesome replacement options. PrivateBin is a software package you download, while the other two are webapps.

+1 for PrivateBin, which has a public instance at .

Dumb question buy why do people use crypto instead of other methods?

Why do people use crypto for what?


Presumably because either the authors or intended visitors (those who value privacy) prefer a slightly more work to track transaction.

I did find some bins that have people hosting them publicly already, but due to the nature of this community they are probably going to advertise self-hosting as an option.
- https://privatebin.info/ is used as the pastebin alternative in the Libredirect extension. This page has a directory of instances.
- https://paaster.io/
- https://bin.bloerg.net/
- https://lesma.eu/:help
- https://www.verybin.com/
- https://kpaste.infomaniak.com/
- https://paste.sh/
- https://paste.myst.rs/
- https://paste.js.org/

These bins below are more like Github Gist replacements:
- https://demo.opengist.io/
- https://drift.maxleiter.com/

This last option isn't quite open source, it only has a bug tracker on Gitlab and an open API for plugin development:
edit: formatting for clarity

There's no "open source" centralized website. You can't know what the server is effectively running unless you have access to it. To me this makes no sense.

A while back someone recommended termbin to me on IRC for bash output. You should be able to pipe files directly to it.

this one seems to be easy to use for sharing code cuz i use vim, ty!