Trump taps RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard for presidential transition team to politics – 91 points –
Trump taps RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard for presidential transition team


(No spot for Jill Stein yet??? wtf)

Jill still likes to pretend that she's not funded by Republican donors to siphon off Democrat votes.

I'd love for the Green party (and others) to be an actual viable alternative, but until they are a third party national office vote means almost nothing.

Have you seen the photo of her dining with Putin and his staff, …and Mike Flynn all at the same little round table?

I have. I made somebody really upset a few months ago by pointing out that she was a Russian asset.

Probably UniversalMonk, the Lemmy poster version of a spoiler candidate.

Oh, universal changes display name every week now. Better keep up.

Doesn't show up differently on Voyager, luckily, so it's really easy to spot right away. I don't want to block outright because it's better to at least be able to see when some bullshit needs to be countered.

Nah, block and be done with it. They like attention.

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We have a lot of those here. Not naming names so as to not summon them.

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Hold on, let me put my shocked and surprised face on......

You mean to tell me their statements about not offering RFK a position in the administration in exchange for him dropping out was......a lie? Trump lied to everybody? Again? Dammit, I refuse to believe that! Next thing you'll be trying to tell me is that he dines with white supremacists and flies around on jets formerly owned by sex traffickers. You make the man sound like he's so stupid he'd find a way to bankrupt a casino.

He’s got a 900 page playbook already. VOTE.

That almost sounds like he expects to lose. Those two are worthless. It’s probably his way of laundering their payments for services already rendered.

What if one of Donny's main uses is funding Russian agents with Republican campaign funds.

Vance's days are numbered, huh?

ELI5: In 2021 the shitstain LOSER's team offered zero cooperation with the incoming WINNERS. With the precedent set, why not return the favor: ransack the place, steal everything you can and fuck off to a dirty hole-in-the-wall in a fetid swamp and await subpoena after subpoena, stall out all efforts to bring justice, cavil and whinge about a nefarious and definitely-not-stolen election for four years? If anusmouth-mushroom penis takes power the least he (they? she?) can expect is the same treatment, right? Am I misguided?

I'm sure that'll go down great with all the other lickspittles that vie for a place in the orange sun.