/r/wholesomememes bans reposts posts, nobody posts for two days

Blaze@feddit.org to Reddit@lemmy.world – 10 points –

Oh no. Have they tried insulting their mods, taking away their perfectly fine moderation tools, replacing them with objectively worse advertisement-delivery-first apps and taunting everybody who disagrees with that decision before forcibly suppressing any protests and banning dissenting voices? Maybe that'll help making the sub attractive for content creators.

Even before the insane number of bots that are on reddit today, I believe that subreddit was one of the main ways for astroturf accounts to gain karma quickly. They knew that everyone was just there to look at happy things and would upvote heavily.

Could the same thing happen on the Fediverse? I mean could a community get overrun by bot posters without any actual humans posting? I'm not sure what the endgame of doing that would be.

Back in the 90s there was an article about some “spam king” guy who was blasting out millions of emails and basically crushing mail servers and making inboxes useless. They interviewed him and he was all indignant about it like “I have the right to do this” and all that.

That is when I knew the internet and humanity was doomed from the start.

So....if dead internet theory has gone into effect, does that mean adverts are basically just a medium of wealth circulation between tech bros in a circle jerk?

I'd estimate as much as 50% of the entire community left on Reddit are bots. I've seen people being downvoted systemically, just for saying completely ordinary things that aren't even controversial.

Most of reddit seems to be bots posts now, or reddit employees. They shot themselves in the chest when they did their greedy deeds.

How do you even ban reposts though without mods constantly scanning the queue. Make the subreddit OC only?

there are bots who are able to check if a image is a repost or not and they can then remove the post if it's a repost.