Secret Service warned Trump against playing Jupiter club over security concerns: report to politics – 281 points –
Secret Service warned Trump against playing Jupiter club over security concerns: report

So he is knowingly, intentionally putting people in serious and mortal danger for his own pleasure. Again, I mean. He's doing it again.

Trump said— thank you, then this is the perfect place to stage another false flag operation.

He’s incredibly predictable. Tell him “Don’t do this or it will be bad…” and he will do it.
“Don’t toss the pandemic response playbook…”.
“Don’t keep those classified documents…”.
“Don’t say stupid racist shit…”.
“Don’t openly praise dictators around the world…”.

Someone should tell him to not take a bath with a toaster.

Someone should tell him to not take a bath with a toaster.

His bathrooms were built by someone who gave a shit (that probably didn't get paid what they were owed), so his outlets are probably up to code and GFCI, so that probably would just give him a story about how General Electric tried to have him assassinated so that Mr Electric could be president.

Almost all baths are plastic these days. Taking a bath with a toaster will just make the water warmer.

There are certain toasters I'd love to take a bath with...Number Three in particular.

When do presidents put together model airplanes instead of always this golf hobby bullshit? Get some indoor hobbies yo.

I'd vote for whichever president has the sickest DCS or Farming Simulator setup.

I'm no security expert but it strikes me that standing in any open field would probably not be advisable for certain... Individuals.

In this case, I actually agree with Trump, he needs to disregard the advice of security “professionals” as often as possible. Hell, every now and then he should just do the exact opposite of what they tell him, just to keep them on their toes.