Yale, Princeton and Duke Are Questioned Over Decline in Asian Students

Stopthatgirl7@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 102 points –

The group that successfully sued Harvard to end affirmative action in university admissions last year is now threatening to investigate whether schools are complying with the new rules and to file lawsuits if it believes that they are not.

The group, Students for Fair Admissions, has focused on three universities — Princeton, Yale and Duke — where there were notable declines in Asian American enrollment this year compared with the last year, which the group said defied expectations.

On Tuesday, Students for Fair Admissions sent letters to the schools questioning whether they were complying with the rules laid out by the Supreme Court. Princeton, Duke and Yale also saw minor differences in Black and Hispanic enrollment in the first class of students admitted since the court struck down race-conscious admissions.


They sued to get the rules changed because they said far more black students were being accepted than they thought deserving. They won. Now they're upset because the number of Asian students declined after admissions could no longer see to the applicant's race. Am I reading that right?

Somehow Asians thought that historically exclusive, classist, and racist institutions would somehow let in more Asian students after they were no longer being forced to let in minority groups.

The Duke one is interesting. While there was a 6% drop in Asian students at Duke, there was also a 6% increase in students not saying what their race was. The percentage of white students dropped 1%, Hispanic rose 1%, Black stayed the same, Native American stayed the same. So we really don't know how much the Asian student population changed, since it is within the uncertainty of "refuse to identify."

Also, I find it funny that a group that says race-based admissions is racist, is saying that since Asian student numbers went down then CLEARLY there is still race-based admissions. Because assuming Asians are the smartest and most worthy of admission is definitely not racist.

I do feel awful for the kids who would have gotten to go to these schools, but won’t because of institutionalized racism. Just not for the people who pushed for this law