Kamala Harris is all-in for a second debate. It's Trump's move now.

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 315 points –
Kamala Harris is all-in for a second debate. It's Trump's move now.

He already said "it's too late" lol, one and a half months is too late.

This shows that despite to what he is saying he knows very well that he badly lost the last one.

I think he meant it's too late in the night for his old men schedule. Last debate he looked like an old man up past his bedtime

But how can he not prepare? He won't have any new fear mongering things to say except, "trump might be president and women and minorities will die". I'm not sure that flies with women or minorities...

Well, Trump made his move already clear: running away like a schicken on speed.

She should town hall it if drump is a no show. Steamroll the mfer

cardboard cut out.

Pipe in those disgusting sounds from people who chew noisily instead of him talking.

I think an empty podium would say much more.

an empty podium wouldn't do so good of a job of disgusting everyone, though.

Short of things that can't be broadcast to families, noisily-chewing-sounds are about as disgusting as it gets.

Hard disagree. Whenever there's a question to be directed to Trump, ask the question and play a clip of him from a prior speech or interview on the topic. If you cannot find a relevant clip, play this:

That violates censorship rules.

You’re not allowed to show assholes to broad audiences!

And it smells bad, too. Gotta keep it realistic.

Unnecessary…. No live audience…nobody has invested smellovision yet.

He says he won, and no sane person would turn down the easy free press of another definitely overwhelming and real victory.

With this be a Pay Per View comedy special? 😂

After the first one— kinda. Kamala would say things like facts and information while Trump tells non-stop, outrageous lies that his followers would gobble up. It would platform his craziness while giving Harris no benefit part what she got last time.

Nobody wants another debate, but it’s good PR to get Trump to back away because it makes him look like a coward.

That squawking, and pooping sound, you hear is a terrified old orange chicken.

If Trump says that “It’s too late” she should offer to make it earlier in the day. Sundowning is a legitimate concern for the elderly.

Trump at next debate: In NY zombies are roaming the streets eating people and all Kamala cares about is giving toddlers sex changes against their will after luring them in with cotton candy!!! 🤪🤪🤪

I came to this place to escape the reddit politics

Then why did you subscribe to the Politics community? You are either very stupid or just desperate for attention I guess.

Welcome to the misandric abortist radfem heaven. Take your seat and STFU.