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AFAW: All Firefighters Are Wonderful

Fire cop

Something tells me you don't actually know what a cop is if you think firemen are just "fire cops".

They arrest the fire

Which is very authoritarian. I'm not only fighting for humans and animals, I'm fighting for my right to be on fire

Who is to take that right away from you? Some fire "fighter"?

Everyone should have the right to self immolate. AFAB, all firefighters are bastards (or bad, bitches, bum holes, Brandon, or blighted).

This has been my PSA.


There's a ton of problems with the culture, but the job is an inherently noble thing. Cops maintain order through violence, firefighters maintain order by directly helping people. Cops are mainly a weapon, firefighters are mainly a tool. Any tool can be a weapon, but designated weapons will always be worse. They have a tougher job and a far more positive impact on society.

My point is that they let a black trans woman die for bigoted, hateful reasons and then tried to cover it up. Yes firefighters are generally better than cops but idolising them is kinda iffy considering incidents like this.

What about inspector Gadget?

Even him. He's completely incompetent and takes credit for the work his niece and his dog perform. He should have been fired from the force years ago, but they fell into the sunk cost fallacy after dumping millions of tax dollars into turning him into the swiss army knife of people.

It's been many, many years since I've watched it. But that brought back some real memories. You're absolutely right. He did that ALL (I don't like using all caps, but it was warranted) the time. Every episode?

Thanks for making me remember. ACAB, even you, Inspector Gadget.

People who's parent weren't married when they were born when I throw an hydrogen bomb at them :