Mark Meadows Might Have Just Thrown Donald Trump Under the Bus

USA to politics – 189 points –

The media have been predicting Trump's demise for years now.

At point, I'll only believe it when Trump's been dead for a decade or two.

The thing that makes Trump a 'tragic' figure is that he's destroyed by his own actions.

Anyone with half a brain would have sailed to a second term, or accepted the loss.

His motivation might be that he thinks he can avoid prison when he's president. Plus his scams work better when he is.

At this point I'm not sure there's enough human left in him to die.

Better stake his heart and throw him in a nuclear reactor when he dies.

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Oh no! Anyway…

I love the tradition that is slowly starting to trend on Lemmy where someone comments this under every Donald Trump article posted.

While I hated these repetitive comments on reddit, I actually think this obe is a most welcome tradition to post under any and all Trump posts - just this one, single comment and nothing else.

Hmm check where this is posted.. politics, what kind of platform is this… oh right a discussion forum

So what’s the point of this site and forum if not to comment on things that a relevant to the topic?

What a take you have there

I think the point here is that everyone discussing everything about the orange clown gives the man a lot of undeserved free publicity. Not a statement about discussion of politics on a forum in politics per se.

Ahh right ignore him and he goes away, he’s already fairly famous so I don’t think you and me discussing him will add to that

He’s a fucking moron but he is involved in politics and this is a place to talk about politics if this was posted on a art forum then I’d agree with you

Meadows seemed one of the likeliest to turn on trump.

Meadows gave up his seat in Congress to go help Trump. I think he is regretting that decision.

I'm expecting the most common phrase out of Mark Meadow's mouth the next few months will be "plea deal"

There will be more. Not everyone wants to win a stay behind bars for nothing.

Bullies like that often overestimate the control they have over people. They forget there's always a bigger fish...