Trump’s Sickening Plans for an All-Out War on Immigrants

USA to politics – 159 points –
Trump’s Sickening Plans for an All-Out War on Immigrants

I don't care. Any outcome where he's walking free is a failure. I want to stop hearing about this miserable idiot.

I'll never forgive the doctors at Walter Reed for treating his Covid-19.

While I appreciate the sentiment, I think the doctors actually cared about their oaths - in stark contrast to most politicians in the US.

You can't end birthright citizenship without a constitutional amendment. One would tend to suspect sending the US military into Mexican territory without permission would have consequences too.

There's a reason 53% of America says they would never vote for this guy.


Easily the most depressing statistic I've read this week.

Another 11% say they probably would not, but I can't be confident in the 64% number when he's polling at 44% against Biden right now. 53% would never vote for him, at least 3% don't want to vote for him but would if it was him vs Biden.

You can't end birthright citizenship without a constitutional amendment.

Sure you can. Just bring a bogus case before your bought and paid for Supreme Court and have them rule that the language doesn't mean what it says and it actually means what this 14th century manuscript we dug up in NorthFuckingShire says it means. Easy peasy, oh and we'll just go ahead and seize all the assets of the new non-citizens. They're not gonna need them where they're going anyways...

Stop giving attention to this geriatric shock jock. Headlines like these are his goals. Leave him to fester in his Truth Social echo chamber and stop giving him this oxygen.