How do I tell my neighbours the windows in their bathroom are not frosted enough? to – 2 points –

Neighbours recently had their home remodelled, which involved them putting new glazing in their bathroom. The glass is not frosted enough and there's a lot to see.

They are large windows too, starting at knee hight. How do I bring this up?

Bonus points if someone can tell me why this community keeps showing my subscription as pending.


Send them a dick pick of their own dick. that glass will be frosty the next time you see it.

Stand naked outside the window and knock.

Or, just put a letter in the mailbox or on the front porch.

The framing in this conversation is important. This is difficult, but making it clear you'd rather not see that is how I'd go.

I'd tell them that I noticed I could clearly see the furnature, wall, or some detail and would rather not see them indecent.

No way around it, it's going to be a bit awkward, but telling them shouldn't seem like a weird thing to do. If you're polite, telling them about the issue is a kind thing to do.

Maybe a note outside their door? Could be anonymous if you don't know them well and they don't have cameras, saves both you and them the awkwardness

Ask them to dinner and explain you usually like to enjoy a hot meal with someone before you see them naked. Classy AF.

Can and should I slowly undress during the dinner?

Maybe? But the dinner should definitely only consist of phallic foods. All the sausages (bonus points for those big Chorizo that curl up), aubergine, cucumber etc churros for dessert. Really sets the tone.

Go there, ring the bell, tell them. The longer you wait the creepier that conversation is going to be.

And when you do it, make sure you stare at them unblinkingly to assert dominance.

I feel like most of the comments are making a bigger deal out of this than it really is. "Hey guys, just FYI your frosted windows aren't frosted enough, we can see through them from over here, just thought you should know"

It's not really a complicated conversation.

You don't have to say "Hey, I can see your dang-a-lang" but maybe something like "Hey, you might want to frost your window more because I can almost see my reflection in your mirror" might work.

We need photo evidence to verify your claims.

Bring up this issue happening with you, in casual conversation. For example: "when I moved here the house had a lot of issues, for example [...] and the glass was not frosted enough. We eventually fixed this [...]"

The idea here is that you won't be telling them directly, they're going to realise it on their own.

I love this haha, I live in NZ and people here are very indirect and non confrontational.

I'm Dutch so quite the opposite.

I was working with a Dutch guy, he'd just flown back to Netherlands and I sent him an email that went something like:

Hi Jan,

Hope you made it back ok,

<work question>


He replied inline to my email and under "Hope you made it back ok" he wrote " >I do not understand why this is relevant"

I have no idea what to do about the not-so-frosty windows, but regarding your bonus question, that's just lemmy being laggy. Next time you refresh you'll see that you're subscribed. I had the same question yesterday and saw it being answered somewhere.

Just tell them. If that was me I’d wanna know ASAP!

I'd drop a note, to avoid the awkward conversation that might happen & to avoid embarrassing your neighbour.

Even an anonymous note in their mailbox saying something to the effect of: "FYI, I can still see your naughty bits, not that I'm looking."

Invite him over while she is taking a shower. Enjoy the view together. Let them draw their own conclusions.

just tell them asap. idk who tf thought it'd be a good idea to put windows in a bathroom.

Probably someone not fond of mold I guess.

Windows in a bathroom let in so much natural light, I always feel much more comfortable with windows (even really big ones) as long as all the important parts aren't visible from outside.