Straight rule to – 317 points –

Ancient geeks?

Those are more like yesterday's geeks. These are ancient geeks:

Phreaker is a super cool name though

This is actually just a person using a portable modem to connect to the internet in a phone booth. I don't think they are phreaking

That phone booth and handset adaptor are way too old. He's conecting to ur-internet like a BBS or FIDOnet, if he's not attacking a non-public server.

Why does this picture of a phone have 15 points?

Yeah I thought the same thing.

I believe they mean giant lion turtles. They bent the energy (sexuality) inside humans.

Can we not have 4chan misogynistic shit here? Even if it's supposed to be satire?

the arctic monkeys t-shirt is the icing on the cake of this post lmfao

Is the person pictured even of legal age? also this is like, satirical, but taken seriously its some lgbtq denial chaser logic

Well honestly I have no idea what this is, but I found it funny and thought that some of you would like it. My assumption is that it is sarcastic. Still, the argument made me stutter for a moment, as this is very much not what you would expect anyone to say.

About the age, I have no fucking idea. Also, note that "legal age" depends on country. Not everybody is in the US.

Oh, yes I forgot about the differences amongst countries. I think I just see 4chan and make some negative connections.

I think that logic could work, if the other guy was also straight.