Fairphone 5 launch event

uthredii@programming.dev to Technology@lemmy.world – 161 points –
Fairphone 5 Launch | LIVESTREAM | Fairphone

Woah 8 (probably 5 ) guaranteed years of security updates they beat google to it They didnt mention any security hardware updates like a secure element so probably no grapheneos support still though. Be a good travel phone though but dont expect security

Edit: Seems that their security updates will be limited

Update: It's only 5 years of security updates (2028) see thread referenced below.

They would have to satisfy the Graphene guys about ongoing security updates, they had a github issue listing the reasons they couldn't work with fairphone, but they deleted the issue, so maybe they are working on it.

We can hope but I wouldn't bet on it. I just hate that we need to be tied to one company thats known to make drastic changes so having another manufactor would be amazing


See my comment in the other technology community about the live stream. There is a problem with their support window.

Damn thats disappointing so much goddamn potential too. What do you think their solution is going to be when support inevitably ends and they still have to fulfill their promise?

They have already shown us with their previous fair phones. They cant fix the baseband security, so any updates that come along are ASOP only, any security updates are ASOP and not baseband.

It's not great if your security conscious.

Honestly it would be fine if they said baseband security until 2029, and software updates until 2033. Long enough for most people to use, and resell to people don't care about baseband updates.

But they don't say that... They say they are still getting security updates. Omitting they are not updating the baseband. Its a lie by omission. Thats not a good look for our "fair phone" friends.

I don't see where you've found that is was released in 2021. All I could find was a announcement in 2022, and a release date marked as "Q2 2023" on a third party websites.

That would align with the announced 5 years of support from Qualcomm and an upstream end of support set to 2028.



Copyright may have been opposed on this document early during development. But anyway, in both case end of support is 2028, which is better than the usual 2-3 years of support for mainline chips.

This is great, and I hope they exceed it. 8 years is still less than what Apple’s oldest phones are getting. The 2013 iPhone 5s is still receiving security updates this year in 2023.

Any idea on when this will be available in the US? Looia like Europe only right now. I'd love to support this.

Also anyone smart enough to know if I can get this from a European if it would work normally on a US carrier?

Have to look at the included bands and see if it covers all the bands you Carrier requires. A lot of euro phones won't work with Verizon for instance, because they don't include band 13.

*I checked and it doesn't appear to have the bands included that many of the big carriers in the US use.

Very tempted by this. Now that phone technology has plateaued I no longer see the need to get the latest flagship every few years. Sustainability is now much more important factor.

Here is an alternative Piped link(s): https://piped.video/live/LINxz4GwaOQ?si=K1ITTSD2i1YgGOjF

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

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Am I doing something wrong? Because these links never work for me. I am using the Firefox browser (even with all extentions disabled). And have also tried opening them on my phone to no avail.

(I am aware I'm replying to a bot.)

Edit: Apparently Piped is American only. At least if my VPN is anything to go by. When I connected to an American server it works fine.

Hmm I wonder if something(isp or something) is blocking it for you. I opened it and the video loaded immediately

Same here, it only seems to work after I clicked the youtube link first.