Antivaxx protesters tried to storm the BBC but had the wrong address.

Carighan to Not The – 734 points –

"They did their own research."

Gold. Pure gold.

Have I just gone into the past?

Yup. Still entertaining, though. I certainly hadn't heard about this. And the "did their own research," comment was a hit.

The last time I saw this was ages ago on reddit

Obligatory fuck spez

I'd say they're not sending their best, but the fact is their best is just not very good.

I guess they're consistent in the quality at which they "do their own research"

I'm reminded of Rudy Colludy at the "Four Seasons", but the one that was not a hotel, but a landscaping outfit next to a dildo store, where he hilariously found out that donnie had lost. One of the funniest moments in political history.