Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide to World – 255 points –
Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide

The fact that Mexico is making progress on this is good to see, though also pretty embarrassing as a resident of the USA that our society is moving backwards at the same time.

We are fifty states. Many states are moving forward and some are moving backwards. It’s why congress needs to do something.

Congress can't do anything because of the filibuster, two party system, and republicans though. The whole thing honestly needs an overhaul.

The Senate not being population-based is part of the problem too. As are gerrymandering and not having universal adult suffrage or federal holidays for voting days. But a Constitutional Convention would be state-based, too, so we’d end up with something even worse than we have now.

Don’t forget to include gerrymandering

You can wait out a filibuster. You just don’t allow new business until they’re done. That means they have to keep talking and eventually they’ll run out of speaking ability.

A filibuster raises the vote threshold, so it's not something you can just wait out. And thank to how the filibusterer works nowadays, congressmen don't actually need to get up there and talk, they can merely threaten to filibuster to raise the vote threshold.

What do you think a filibuster is? It’s an active debate. So yes, you can wait one out. If they can’t continue, then their time is over and you vote. It’s why they’ll get up and read books.

To break it, you don’t move on to new topics until they give up.

That's how it used to work, not anymore:

Still work that way. You have three options. You cloture the person, you move to new business or you wait them out. You still have the option to wait. Nothing has changed.

Waiting means nothing happens. You just wait. If it’s important enough that’s what you do.

You cloture the person

And that essentially isn't an option at times due to how difficult it is to reach the 60 vote threshold, which means nothing gets done, which means congress is basically useless.

Or you just wait them out. You do nothing until they relent.

Politics sometimes has to be ugly. What you don’t do is make sad excuses as to why things don’t get done. You just shut things down till they go for a vote.

You can't wait out an indefinite filibuster. And it gets to become indefinite because they don't actually need to talk at all.

They’ll get pressure from their party to stop it. At some point they’ll need to move to other business. It’s a battle of the nerves. Politicians have lost the guts to play chicken.

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In addition to being good policy, this is going to be a lifeline for women in border states. (and will I suspect be much harder to police or prosecute - it's very, very difficult to hold somebody legally liable in one country for an act committed in another)

how is this good specifically for women in the border? this applies equally in the whole country

If the US ever finish their wall, by the time they are done with it, Americans will be the one trying to get over it...

Arizona and Texas punching air right now. I just wish women didn’t need to have to travel such distances to have them done

🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles: ::: spoiler Click here to see the summary Judges in states that still criminalize abortion will have to take account of the top court’s ruling.

The court’s sweeping decision Wednesday comes amid a trend in Latin America of loosening restrictions on abortion, even as access has been limited in parts of the United States.

Mexico City was the first Mexican jurisdiction to decriminalize abortion 15 years ago.

The Information Group for Chosen Reproduction, known by its Spanish initials as GIRE, said the court decided that the portion of the federal penal code that criminalized abortion no longer has any effect.

“No woman or pregnant person, nor any health worker will be able to be punished for abortion,” the non-governmental organization said in a statement.

The court ordered that the crime of abortion be removed from the federal penal code.

Saved 38% of original text. :::

Back in 2021 the supreme court had already declared abortion as not a crime, but the sentenced, while settled a precedent, did not applied in the whole country. This new sentence applies in the whole country and also forces mexican healthcare public institutions to provide abortion to any person that requests it.