How do you view your dreams? to – 38 points –

I just realized I sometimes dream in the 3rd person and observe everything as a movie, while other times it's like a POV shot.


It's always my own eyes, but sometimes I realise that the dream is entirely scripted and I'm just acting my part.

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Had a POV dream that I was Greg Davies and rushed into a hospital to save someones life, but the hospital would'nt take the patient bc it was a duck. I ran into an operation theater to do it myself but a swarm of men dressed in jet black bodysuits chase me and im in a massive hall surrounded by thousands of people unable to move its so crowded and im holding the duck over my head so noone can get it.

Both, just like you. Some are through-my-eyes (POV), others are "camera shots"

The "camera" moments in which I see myself are usually with a camera set behind me and pointing down to me, like many RPGs frame their character. But it's also usually placed on the left side of me, not the right.

The most common exception to this camera setup rule is when I fly or swim, there it's a bit more difficult to keep track of the angle and location (though I still see my back most of the time).

99% POV. The one time that I can remember 3rd person was one of the times when I died in my dream. I fell from a cliff in the US Southwest, like Arizona. About 1/2 way down the fall, I watched myself fall the remainder of the way and hit the ground. I "walked" around the impact site for a bit and then left, but at that point, I don't know who "I" was since "I" was obviously laying on the ground, dead.

Another time that I died, I was stuck in my body after being shot in the head, but unable to move, so I don't think that dying is why the POV changed.

I can't remember any other time that it wasn't POV mode.

Usually my POV, but sometimes my perspective will swap to other characters in the dream.

Hey thats happened to me too, but I wake up since I realize its not real. (It was a nightmare where i was asleep and unable to move in bed while every inch of my room was covered with giant disgusting slimy frogs moving around me and on me and then my perspective changed to that of some frogish creature next to my face about to jump in my screaming mouth).

In case you didn't realize, I despise frogs.

I usually have lucid dreams in the third person where I'm not a character in the story. I instead control the other characters like in a video game and I can save scum to get a particularly hard to achieve outcome. Usually, I like to let events pan out by themselves though, as that leads to the most interesting results.

Surprised at how often yall are having lucid dreams, even when I realize I'm having a dream I can't control em and just wake up.

It's actually not that hard to start having them pretty frequently. I always had that same problem though: I'd realize I was dreaming, say "Wow, I'm actually dreaming and aware of it. This is amaz-" and wake up. There are supposedly tricks you can use to prevent yourself from waking up like spinning around, but it didn't seem to help even when I remembered to try in the dream.

You can make them more frequent by just thinking to yourself "Am I dreaming?" and checking if you are a bunch of times a day. 5-6 is probably enough. Keep that up for a few weeks and you'll probably start having frequent lucid dreams. I read that lucid dreams aren't really that restful compared to normal sleep though, so don't try to induce them unless you can spare the sleep time.

Wtf. I never ever thought about this until I just read your post... SAME!

Most often 1st person POV, but very rarely 3rd person POV.

As far as I can remember, I've had only one 3rd person POV dream scene. It was a scene where after we reached the bottom of a seemingly endless spiral staircase we started exploring the huge, but almost pitch-dark, mall-like expanse we found ourselves in. At this point, the POV changed to third person, and showed us forming a circle, our backs towards the center. We then inched "forward" a few steps at a time, being very cautious and scared of what we might find down there.

Same as you, it varies from dream to dream and often switches between in the same dream.

Lucid dreaming every night, I control every facet of it, including PoV, though I'm usually in first person perspective.

For me, dreams are usually 1st-ish person. Sometimes there may be elements of 3rd person POV, but with myself still as the protagonist.

Though, I have had at least one dream in 3rd person where I wasn't even a character in the dream. That dream was much more like a film, with shots and scenes and acts.

Most of the dreams I remember are what I guess you would call the 3rd person where I'm watching myself go through the dream. It's hard to explain. It's kind of like watching a movie while also being an actor in the movie if that makes sense.