The Linux Foundation has practically abandoned Linux to – -52 points –
The Linux Foundation has practically abandoned Linux

Well... That was a shitty article.

That's the Lunduke signature.

First time encountering one! I'm almost impressed how you can write about something as technical as Linux in the writing style and cadence of shady medical supplement ads for the elderly, including bolded accusatory questions and poorly-supported italic statements placed mid-sentence.

Imagine taking anything Lunduke says seriously.

Dude's not a clown, he's the whole circus.

Iā€™m OOTL, who is Lunduke and why do they run a circus

He was in the opensuse board of directors at some point I think. I knew him from his Youtube channel that talked about Linux and related topics, it was fairly popular in the Linux community for a while. I mostly watched it for Linux related news and technical opinions. A bit after he left that position, he started occasionally mentioning how now that he wasn't representing opensuse anymore he could finally "speak freely". That's when the channel started taking a weird turn.

At first he started going on weird political tangents while doing the whole "I don't talk about politics" thing. Some videos started popping up where he would attack some person or organization for what seemed to be mostly political reasons, but under the guise of his reasoning being purely technical.

Eventually, he just started sounding like someone who fell into a conspiracy rabbit hole, or some weird far right cult. I stopped watching then, most of his videos by then had little technical interest anymore and they sounded more like someone who was losing their mind. I don't know if it's a mental issue or something, but his whole persona shifted dramatically into something... weird. I haven't kept up in the mean time, though.

To add some extra context to the other comment, the guy is a raging bigot.

There's a well known post of his where he repeatedly and intentionally deadnames and misgenders Danielle Fore from elementaryOS, just from the top of my head.

I don't follow him but in this particular blog post he's 100% right. Why Linux Foundation funds the Metaverse at all?

that's the thing though. on top of being a scumbag he's really good at editorializing the garbage he writes.

maybe try reading the actual report for yourself and see if you get to the same conclusions on your own?

Imagine thinking that someone posting an article agrees with it, rather than thinking it is worth talking about...

my brother in christ, who told you my comment was directed at you personally

wait, actually? even if it was, imagine thinking anything that comes from Bryan "Nerds Are The Real Oppressed Class, Actually" Lunduke is worth talking about, lmao

Damn, Lunduke has really went off the rails these past few years

I saw purple haired people with rainbow face masks on p. 3, I don't need to look any further sir, thank you very much.

... maybe I should add the '/s' too, you never know.


>Points to an article from a known source

>Extrapolates the whole thing

> tl;dr: "oh look less 0.0001% users are using linux compared to yesterday ahahah linux is so ded no rly im 100% serious this time haha"

I'm not using Linux/GNU because of numbers tho, so who cares.

Yes, it's true, the linux foundation is less about linux, but more about "Decentralized innovation" (Directly from their website). I don't think that's a bad, thing, as it's also important to create open source software for other platforms and other technology.

Nobody uses 6y old kernels.

The Foundation that controls Linux...

False statement right there.