A man in Australia was out for a walk, dog disappeared, found to be getting drowned by a kangaroo. Man punched kangaroo, which then attempted to drown him!

BobTheBoozer@lemmy.world to Crazy Fucking Videos@lemmy.world – 101 points –
A man in Austria was out for a walk, doggo disappeared, found to be getting drowned by a kangaroo. Man punched kangaroo, which then attempted to drown him. - Video

9gag? woah.

From the bowels of one if the world's less cared about time capsules. Just wait until we Crack open an article from Digg, funnyjunk or i-am-bored.

I walk my dog plenty around bush reserves where there are large mobs of roos. My dog is off lead but trained not to chase them. There's a slim chance a buck will have a go at us unprovoked, but largely it comes down to minding your own business and you'll be fine.

These stories always start with dogs chasing roos, and the big bucks do what they do best. Luring them into water where they have the advantage (they can stand on their tails), putting them in a headlock and drowning them. It's pure self defence.

I love my dog to pieces and that's why I trained him not to bother roos. It's really not that hard.

People think the animals on the Australian coat of arms are there because we like them, it's just a list of our enemies.

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I learned a lot about Kangaroos in water today. Seems like this happened because the dog chased the Kangaroo to the point it went in the water to save itself. Kangaroos drown in self defense apparently.

The balls of steel that it takes to walk up to that fucking thing. Dude loves his dog