Gimme Milky to – 54 points –

Boy milk

Actually it's Red Bull If we're talking softdrink, but overall it definitely is tea.

I'm drinking tea since I'm 6 years old. I love every kind of tea, but I come out of a Darjeeling Family so it is the number one most drunk tea of me.

My favorite tea I don't really know which is because I'm currently drinking every kind of tea...

either chocky milk or water
but femboy milk is a good alternative

Coffee for sure. But only homemade coffee. I've never seen a coffee shop that can make a cup taste better than I can at home.

Melk (I am Dutch) (I have engaged in multiple imperialistic invasions) (gekoloniseerd)

Ich mag eine Pepsi mit Milch (Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der BRD)

The blood of my enemies

Nahh, just kidding. Probably multivitamin juice (mixed with Vodka or Jägermeister if I'm in party mood)