Rule to – 548 points –

Ah yes, the most brutal were eastern European, Ukrainian, Polish and Baltic colonies

(Not denying colonialism was and is a fucking disease, just think it's unfair to judge ALL of Europe for it when it is basically exclusively western Europe that did that shit)

Colonialism ia over. The continuing neo-colonialism is the problem.

It's even dumber to blame the Balkans for neo-colonialism.

They can't even colonize their neighbors, and they really really want to.

I just... Misread your comment and didnt mean to imply I was disagreeing, but thought I was adding something by being succinct.

I do remember when my country Slovakia colonised Africa, good times /s

Me too, each year I spend my vacation in SOT (Slovakia Overseas Territories)

Celkom napiču meme toto, musim uznať. Takto generalizovať... vyzerá OP ako kkt

Well, I mean Slovakia didn't exactly exist as a nation during the majority colonial expansion. They were part of the austro-hungarian empire, which did participate in some colonialism, though less than most at the time.

Yeah. We were the colonized ones to be honest. Always the lesser under the Hungarians mainly.

Although calling it colonization is a bit of a stretch to be completely blunt

Although calling it colonization is a bit of a stretch

Idk I think it's pretty fitting. I just think it's an older type of colonialism, more similar to how the ottomans typically treated their holdings.

That's a particularly nasty one

You don't want to get bitten by a Europe. You'll get an urge to buy lederhosen and eat waffles.

I know, this post and most of the comment section is being incredibly racist. I wish people in this subreddit would be more accepting but what do I know 🙄🙄 Guess mods are asleep

"the british"

An alternative universe where the Economist turned out to actually practice introspection