brisket ruleday

an angrier to – 206 points –

What's going on with her shoes? Why do they have a windshield?

You're just jealous because your shoes don't have windshields, obviously. :3

Looks like the tongue of the boots in front of the topmost strap. Though looking at the other boot ... she might just have the tongue in the wrong spot. That's got to be uncomfortable. The whole point is to pad the laces/straps.

I am transgender, but I still don't like that they make this retcon with Bridget. Not only is her backstory basically one of those emails from the Pat Robertson Foundation or whoever is scamming your grandparents, but I thought it was cool that we had some male representation that didn't present very masculine and yet wasn't a gay stereotype.

I think if they wanted to introduce a transgender character I think it would have been deliciously ironic if the unnamed sibling of Bridget turned out to be the trans one, given her backstory.

But that's just my opinion, it's not my series, and I don't even play Guilty Gear. I'm more of a Mortal Kombat person. If people enjoy this change for her character good for them, I just gave you the reasons why I'm not.

mhm fair fair, i understand why ppl didnt like this change and yeah, i agree adding another character instead of retconning an existing one would have been a better choice

Yeah, and again, if they wanted to tie her to Bridget, just make it so the other sibling is a transgirl that gets mistaken for a guy. Relatable to transwomen like me, and is comedic irony.