It's true. to Lemmy – 441 points –

Snow in October happens?

Oh boy, let me teach you about the best Halloween memory I have from my childhood.

I'm not from Minnesota. I didn't grow up here and moved as an adult. I still know all about the Halloween Blizzard because y'all will not shut up about it, lol.

This is very true, if it gets brought up, everyone has a story about it.

First thing I read on opening '22 people killed and 100 injured' lol

Yes. Parts of Minnesota, USA, have gotten some already, and other parts Saturday. And, of course, Tuesday is Halloween...

It's 79 now. This weekend we're going to have either snow or the shitty mixed precipitation.

The older I've gotten, the less I care about shit like this. People deciding to put Christmas decorations up early has zero impact on me so why should I care?

Because it’s bright and annoying. As someone who enjoys going out at night because it isn’t as bright and it’s less loud and just in general less overbearing, I absolutely abhor the Christmas decorations in the streets. The only exception is for specific celebrations in specific places where I go to see it specifically.

I was in a mall a couple of days ago and they had one of those stores that sells Christmas stuff all year.

Who is going to that store in, say, August?

Based on how hot is was for me walking home from work today, people in my neighborhood are apparently already decorating for the 4th of July.

I forget that parts of the world are actually cold now. It's still 70° here.