rule to – 527 points –

I love the kind of person who not only has these thoughts, but also draws them for everyone else to see

Still a better yuri anime than Euphonium

Should I look it up?

if it's an anime about lesbians it's bad

actually scratch that, 99% of animes are bad copy-paste fan service trash meant to appease (usually edgy) middle school boys in the first place

I'd say that first statement is quite absolute I'm in love with the villainess is only a few episodes in but it's looking to be actually really good I'd atleast recommend watching the first 3 episodes as for the second 99% is a bit high but yeah won't disagree on that one

edit: nvm episode 8 and 9 ruined it they really just compared incest and being gay god damnit

Now I really want to see people do this. They'd have to be quick though, as mentos easily lose their reactivity if they get wet, and the coke would quickly lose carbonation.

does anyone have the original image for this meme? I'm pretty sure the first person had milk in the original but I can't remember what the second person had