Continued support for Ukraine will cost the west less than letting Putin win | Phillip Inman to – 201 points –
Continued support for Ukraine will cost the west less than letting Putin win | Phillip Inman

This is what kills me about republicans. This is their cold war fantasy. 40 years of looking at the iron curtain, it was all for this kind of fight. And now that it’s happening, and russia is grinding itself down and we bring home not a single casket, they are cowering in mother’s skirts. This should be the cynical war hawk’s wet dream - your enemy collapsing and you only pay the bill in cash, not blood.

The US political system is clearly not about the parties being consistent but about them opposing just for the sake of it. When Obama was all friendly with Putin, he was opposed by McCain and Romney who spoke out against Putin's invasion of Georgia, with McCain regularly meeting the Russian opposition, including his friend Boris Nemtsov who would end up murdered by the Kremlin at Putin's order.

This doesn't make sense to you because you're not seeing the whole picture. Putin isn't the enemy or Republicans. They're in his pocket. He either bankrolls them, or has sufficient Komprimat on them to keep them in line.

Its not about the cost, its about sending a message.

war only benefits warlords and authorities

I'd contend that it often also benefits the people being attacked by the war, unless you think it would have been reasonable to let the Nazis roll across all of Europe unopposed

this. this. a thousand times this. also applies to arab muslim terrorists who seek to rape, behead, burn and slaughter jews at will, but the "nazis are bad, "palestinian" hamas are poor poor cinnamon rolls that need to be allowed to hide under hospitals" haven't quite made the connection yet

That's because there is no connection.

Being against Israel's indiscriminate killing of civilians doesn't make Hamas terrorists the good guys. They are still despicable terrorists. It simply acknowledges that you don't remove a terrorist group by a military operation unless you plan to kill the whole population. Which -given comments from Israel officials- they know very will and proceed none-the-less.

You would really think people finally got that after the last "we are are fighting terrorists"-shitshow of more than two decades and its impressive results.

You can fight evil without imitating nazi and building a more destructive society than what they did. Just look around yourself, you don't need a military industry complex to defend yourself, governments spend trillions on wars because it benefits their authority and to attack other nations, not to defend themself. Look at 400$ drones defeating million dollars tanks. Ukraine government too demands for more weapons because they want to attack back, not because it benefits the people who's land is now reduced to waste.

Ukraine is occupied. They want their people and their territories been freed. How insane should be to call right to defend and liberation an attack!?

They want their people and their territories been freed.

The people of Ukraine are enslaved to their own fascist government to begin with which doesn't allow any male between 18 and 60 to leave the country. The fights over rubble and operations in crimea are not poor people defending themself, it's the ukrainian government playing war on their own. People can and will defend themself without a corrupted government. Warlords and politicians profits out such situation to increase their wealth and authority

Wow, this is like Hitler calling Stalin a fascist.

People can and will defend themself without a corrupted government

Even among the other bullshit you just said, this statement is straight up hilarious. There is literally no evidence of this, historical or current. Stop keeping the good drugs to yourself .

sure, but hundred of thousands of islamic terroirsts and their supporters are marching to let more arab muslims rape, behead, burn and slaughter Jews at will, just cause they wanna, don't you understand, people, mostly, suck shit, and though your fight is just, and it will in fact cost the free world far less to give ukraine trillions in it's defense against russia if need be, it's 50/50 and pick em whether or not the feckless western leaders can keep their shit together long enough to see your, and the israelis, fights, won

This would be great with some metal guitar and that preacher guy reading it, the one praying covid away.