Belgium Considers Recognizing State of Palestine, Vows Sanctions Against Israel to World – 427 points –

Belgium announced that it is considering recognizing the state of Palestine, vowing to impose sanctions against Israeli occupation forces due to its genocidal war on Gaza.


Good. Half of Europe already recognises Palestine. 138 countries worldwide recognise Palestine.

Internationally only the PLO is recognized as Palestine by many, and is granted observer status at the UN. But they don’t rule in Gaza anymore. The PLO lost Gaza to the Hamas during civil war in 2007. The leadership of Gaza is not recognized by anyone as a state. Russia, Norway and Switzerland are the only three states in Europe that uphold any official relation to them (for different reasons).

Almost all countries that do not recognize the State of Palestine (PLO) still have official formal relations to the entity in all but the name. Many simply cannot legally recognize it as long as it officially claims Israel’s territory as theirs.

Isn’t the PLO claiming only the West Bank which is Palestinian territory?

This is what they are ruling. Their claim is all of Palestine and Israel.

I kinda wish there was more discussion about the long term outcomes. I personally don't think a two state option is going to work, especially those that hinge on control of Jerusalem. An independent Palestinian state could be established, but would almost certainly be controlled by Hamas or other like minded groups.

Hamas believes in a two state solution so far as it gains territory, but I think that as soon as that is accomplished the long term plan would be to eventually destroy Israel and make a Reunified Palestine.

If this is true then there will never be peace until either Palestine or Israel is utterly destroyed.

Conversely, if Israel doesn't just take over Palestine completely things are likely to continue as they have since the 60's. Hamas does a terrorist attack, Israel responds by blowing up a school, rinse and repeat forever because the groups in control of each side are fucking extremist conservative monsters that believe their magical space daddy is right.

I'm not making excuses for the atrocities committed by Israel or Hamas, I'm just laying out the road map for the next 100 years. If you had to pick between Hamas (or Hamas like) controlled Palestine or Zionist controlled Israel which would you prefer?

I guess there is a third and fourth option, the third option is to have no opinion and whatever happens happens. The fourth option would be to, somehow, maintain the status quo and wait till a time where both sides stop believing in the extremist religious dogma. The fourth option could be something like a UN occupation of Israel Palestine to prevent the two sides from killing each other?

EDIT: Also, if you look at the proposed maps for a two state solution you should already know that a two state solution wouldn't work, it's like if Cold War Germany had a baby with the Michigan UP and somehow the offspring was even worse.

Great idea. Show every separatist movement in the world that a day of unrestrained terrorism, including murder, rape and baking babies gets rewarded.

As compared to a month of unrestrained terrorism with multiple times more babies being murdered?

a month

More like 75 years but who's counting?

That's how USA came to be. And Ireland. And Haiti. And France. And many other country today that used to be ruled under a colonist.

Not justify murdering, but lets not pretend that a lot of country today did not go through guerrilla warfare to get independence. If Zionist didn't oppress them, 7th October incident will not happen.

Technically France wasn't founded by separatism but instead by state collapse via the dissolution of the carolingian empire

The last I checked, the USA didn't come into existence from suicide bombings at busses and restaurants, and massacres of civilians at music festivals.

According to Wikipedia,

The IRA's offensive campaign mainly targeted the British Army (including the UDR) and the RUC, with British soldiers being the IRA's preferred target.[15][236] Other targets included British government officials, politicians, establishment and judicial figures, and senior British Army and police officers.[237][238] The bombing campaign principally targeted political, economic and military targets, and was described by counter-terrorism expert Andy Oppenheimer as "the biggest terrorist bombing campaign in history".[239] Economic targets included shops, restaurants, hotels, railway stations and other public buildings.[229] The IRA was blamed for the Abercorn Restaurant bombing in March 1972, when a bomb exploded without warning killing two women and injuring many people.[n 23][240] Due to negative publicity after the Abercorn bombing, the IRA introduced a system of telephoned coded warnings to try and avoid civilian casualties while still causing the intended damage to properties and the economy.[n 24][245] Civilian deaths were counter-productive to the IRA, as they provided the British with propaganda coups and affected recruitment and funding.[246] Despite this IRA bombs continued to kill civilians, generally due to IRA mistakes and incompetence or errors in communication.

Hamas, though, has deliberately targeted civilians for decades. Their goal hasn't been economic damage but as many Israeli deaths as possible.

yeahh.. maybe not the point you wanna make

Last i checked USA also conduct ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people of America and call them discriminatory name, and when they fight back they called them terrorist.

And they also own slave. And there's also war about slavery.

Terrorism is the war of the poor
Hold up a mirror so the script get flipped
Cause when it’s in reverse it ain’t wrong no more
Warfare’s the terrorism of the rich

Who’s the true guerilla
When the bomb on your body killing innocent civilians
But a life is a life and a killer is a killer
You’re at a desk chillin’ push a button kill a million

See the anguish of the parents
When they’re carrying the body of the baby that they cherish
When innocent people perish
It’s a very thin line between a soldier and a terrorist

  • Brother Ali, Mourning in America

Palestine is not separatist. Its the pre-colonial inhabitants fighting back against settler colonialism terror and asserting their right to an independent state and freedom.