Israeli military shows video of arms it says were found at Al Shifa hospital to World – 61 points –
Israeli military shows video of arms it says were found at Al Shifa hospital

Mazel Tov! Now the deaths of those 5000 Palestinian children is totally justified!

9 rifles. They would have taken down the Israeli military!

And there’s no telling where they came from. For all we know the hospital staff took them off wounded/dead Hamas and didn’t know what to do with it.

Also, why are the cans of WD40 laid out like some kind of military supply? I mean, it has its uses, but, like pretty much every home in America probably has a can (or something similar.)

For all we know the hospital staff took them off wounded/dead Hamas and didn’t know what to do with it.

Yeah, after all, doctors treat everyone.

The pictures look really pathetic for a "control center". Not to mention Israeli soldiers took 200 people form the hospital (aged 16 to 40), stripped them, insulted them, and led them to an unknown room to interrogate.

War crime after war crime after war crime...

EDIT: the very fact that "books" were among these items kills it for me. You think you can shoot someone with a Quran copy? ROFL

that's not pictures of the command centre, just a ward.

Not to mention Israeli soldiers took 200 people form the hospital (aged 16 to 40), stripped them, insulted them, and led them to an unknown room to interrogate.

source pls!


The IDF reportedly asked all men aged 16-40 to leave the hospital buildings, except the surgical and emergency departments, and go to the hospital courtyard.

Aljazeera English:

This is from their live coverage today so it's not possible to link to single updates on their website but that link mirrors it. If you go to the AlJazeera live updates page and scroll down enough, you should be able to find it.

Meanwhile, there are reports of some 200 people being blindfolded and interrogated and taken to unknown areas; their fate is unknown. Witnesses inside the hospital who we spoke to said [Israeli troops] started with 30 people who were stripped of their clothes, and taken to the courtyard of the hospital. More people were taken after interrogation, blindfolded and put into groups.

ooh, the bbc~ they've made so many mistakes with reporting this ongoing conflict they just can't be trusted to be accurate. They said that IDF was shooting medics in the hospital. They said that the IDF bombed a hospital. They said that Israelis set fire to a mosque when they didn't, etc~

Al Jazeera too! They most definitely cannot be trusted to be factual and impartial. They have Clear bias and Poor credibility. They are funded entirely by the Qatari government. The same Qatar government that houses Hamas leadership. The same Qatar that meets with media mongrels and funds twitter. The same twitter that is notoriously known for being astroturfed.

Propaganda is everywhere, and anyone can fall for it!!! Hatsune Miku recommends Reuters, AP, and announcements by the EU and UN for your news regarding the conflict. Alternatively, you can view this active war-zone map, which congregates footage and announcements. (Remember to take both announcements from IDF and Gaza with a grain of salt unless it is also announced by the UN)

in fact the UN juuust now said to watch out for misinformation! and supplied a handy lil' guide!

About the BBC link:

As BBC News covered initial reports that Israeli forces had entered Gaza’s main hospital, we said that “medical teams and Arab speakers” were being targeted. This was incorrect and misquoted a Reuters report. We should have said IDF forces included medical teams and Arabic speakers for this operation. We apologise for this error, which fell below our usual editorial standards. The correct version of events was broadcast minutes later and we apologised for the mistake on air later in the morning.

lol buddy seriously, are you unhappy that they do good journalism? That they correct their mistakes? Go read all the other reports from Reuters. Didn't the IDF kill one of their photographers earlier? 😬 😬

Good Journalism is not making any mistakes when they're reading off a reuters report. BBC wasn't in the vicinity, they were literally reading off a piece of paper and still failed to do that.

idn’t the IDF kill one of their photographers earlier?

Feel free to link that

I don't think you understand what good journalism is.

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I would hope doctors wouldn't put metallic things in their MRI room though.

Why not? It’s probably shut down to save power

If it was a huge control center, then it'd been there for years and Israel was attacking to get rid of it. There wouldn't be any metallic objects there. It is an MRI room, a huge hospital uses those a lot.

The MRI machines are spun down- which is how that guy in the tweeted video showing “what they found” Was able to go into that room at all. Probably because they’re power hogs and they’re a bitch to spin back up, even when shut down “properly”.

Also, that guy was a Lt. Colonel. Like. Wtf? Did he watch too much cops growing up? Cuz, you know. Getting some heavy “We found this weed and a pipe on him. It’s worth 500 bucks on the street but now, it’s 20 years in prison. [pans to a couple buds in a sandwich baggie]” vibes.

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idk... grenades sound like something that shouldn't be in a hospital tho

Okay, say your a Gazan doctor. What do you do with it, toss it in the trash? Hospitals don't generally have to worry about that kind of hazardous waste... it's usually just biological...

100% agree, but I've never been to Gaza or Al Shifa. Do we know these weren't the property of the security team for the hospital?

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Just hold your breath a little longer soon they'll find that command center underground beneath the hospital just like those WMDs George Bush and Colin Powell found in Iraq.

There is also this:

What is this implying?

That perhaps Israel is lying because why would Hamas have California dates?

Really though, it doesn't mean anything. Why wouldn't Hamas have access to California dates? It's not like the US is locking down date exports to Gaza

I know man, there were like a dozen AKs in the area. Clearly an existential threat to Israel. They have a right to defend their existence! /s

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That's less weaponry than many Americans who try to protect themselves from their own governement (which isn't even trying) have.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The army simultaneously released a video that it said showed some of the material recovered from an undisclosed building within the large hospital complex, including automatic weapons, grenades, ammunition and flak jackets.

The military has focused its operations on hospitals across northern Gaza after long accusing Hamas of setting up major command and control centres beneath medical facilities in an effort to avoid air strikes.

Israeli troops forced their way into Al Shifa overnight and have spent the day scouring specific locations within Gaza's largest hospital.

Israeli soldiers entered the Rantissi paediatric hospital on Monday, later releasing a video showing what it said were weapons stored by Hamas in the building's basement.

Speaking earlier on CNN, military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Richard Hecht said Israelis forces had entered a specific area inside the hospital, adding: "There wasn't an all-out attack."

Israeli officials have previously suggested that some of the 240 captives seized by Hamas militants in Israel on Oct. 7 might be located underneath Gazan hospitals.

The original article contains 443 words, the summary contains 165 words. Saved 63%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I would imagine every hospital has some guns and gear by now... if someone comes in wounded you just treat them and deal with alleged crimes later. Some terrified hospital housekeeper, nursing assistant or orderly is probably tasked with locking up weapons and gear in some room until they can figure out what the F to do with it.

Do you know how to safely dispose of ammunition and grenades? Because I sure as hell dont.

you just gotta love Lemmy coming to the defense of literal war-criminals

you guys do realize that using a Hospital as a Military Base is a war crime, right? And that also means that all this bombing that you decried as warcrimes actually weren't warcrimes as they were legitimate military targets.

Only opinion I care about is everyone is an asshole. If anyone just says Israel must stop without providing any credible pathway for hamas to stop is short sighted. Israel war crimes 100 articles, hamas war crimes 10 articles. Where are the articles for call to hamas to surrender all hostages and weapons?

We're not defending the Hamas terrorists. They deserve the fight that's coming to them.

We're criticizing Israel's indiscriminate killing of civilians. It's about as close to genocide as they can get.

As far as I'm concerned, if Hamas is hiding in a hospital or school or any other place, then IDF will just have to find another way to engage them. Shelling hospitals is cowardly, even if done as retribution for the terrible attacks on October 7th.

I honestly don’t know what people expect in a conflict where the asymmetry of power is 100:1. For Hamas to march right out in the open to be cut down by drone fire? That’d be really convenient for Israel.

People with no legal status, no country, no rights, living under constant occupation in an outdoor prison have little obligation to observe the “laws” governing war. They’re all in it. There are no civilians in Gaza.


Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated;

This is a war crime whether or not it was a "military target."

Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions;

Doesn't matter if it's a military target here either. The lack of supplies killed people.

If I'm missing something here please explain. I am not attacking you or saying Hamas doesn't commit war crimes or anything of the sort. I am simply confused as to why people say this when it doesn't seem (to me) to be the case.

When you are in an asymmetric conflict with a foe 100x as powerful, you dont give a shit if they say “hey that’s against the rules! you have to stand out in the open where we can kill you clean!” The American revolutionaries were called cowards and terrorists for staging guerilla attacks instead of marching clean lines of soldiers into battlefields in bright coats. They didn’t care either.

Israel practices collective punishment upon all Palestinians and is currently attacking the country. If nine men were guarding that hospital with these nine rifles, they were probably quite welcome there.

This little table of small arms is supposed to convince us they’d turned the hospital into a base? Get the fuck outta here.

One side committing war crimes doesn't justify the other side committing war crimes. Everyone knows Hamas isn't following the rules. If they did they wouldn't have blown the wall and murdered swaths of civilians. That doesn't justify murdering more civilians.

Yep. Hamas isn’t following the rules. If you want people to follow the rules you have to give them something to lose. We can’t expect laws to govern people with no legal status of any kind living in a non-country with zero rights.