don't tell me I'm the only one here that hesitated on this screen this screen as a kid to – 124 points –

My story with the game is that I didn't want to get made fun of for playing as a girl, so I roleplayed as black instead of playing a self insert.


i didnt hesitate, i picked the fukin girl

on an unrelated note, i cannot believe it took so long to realize this about myself

Exactly, no hesitation. In any game in any context.

I feel very uncomfortable when I have to play male characters.

This, but with the boy, and the name I chose for the character... Oopsies.

Finally chose the girl character when I was away in college and figured it was less likely people would know. Of course next time I see my best friend, he wants to trade pokemon and teased me for using a girl character with a feminized version of my name. Was almost a decade later when I considered I might not be cis.

Well, there’s also the fact so many cis men use female characters in games for many reasons like cooler armor etc. And they’re still cis, so you feel like « that’s not an indicator of being trans » but here we are…

We picked Girl because of the cute artwork right? ... Right?!

i picked the girl one because i liked the look of the girl character more, and my brother made fun of me

that was when the first brick in the wall was laid

Pokémon X: Boys can't wear the cool trenchcoat, it's a dress and dresses are for girls

Ach, I wasn't really using that masculinity anyway.

One of the things about the trans masc experience. Nobody fucking questioned me playing as boy... ever. They were also still surprised Pikachu face when I came out as trans despite me dressing like a male poke-protagonist since the moment I got to choose my own clothes and not wear hand-me-downs.

I wholeheartedly wish to take a bat to the patriarchy so that our AMABs can finally be free and girl option is not looked at as some kind of innately less cool failure state. I hope future gens of humans will never need hesitate about what poke-protagonist they wanna be the very best like no one ever was with ...for any reason other than debating the preference of outfits.

I did this, but I just spent the normal cis amount of time thinking about it

My issue was always the 'bag'. Boys always got some lame backpack. Girls got a cool fanny pack or messenger bag. It's a fantasy game, I don't want to wear the same thing I carry my books to school in, I want cool gear!

Wish I had this in Red/Blue although I most likely wouldn't have chosen the girl out of fear of my dad or school kids finding out. Still got made fun of enjoying playing Keori in SSX Tricky

"Do I play what I actually want, or what my family won't make a scene about if they notice?"

I just started playing Amnesia: Rebirth and the opening cut scene gave me such unexpected euphoria. Take a look, the euphoric part starts around 2:20

It made me realize how extremely rare it is for a game to not only have a female protagonist but also a first person perspective where you can actually see your own body if you look down.