Mobile tower stolen in India's Uttar Pradesh to Not The – 112 points –
Mobile tower stolen in India's Uttar Pradesh

A technician reported the matter to police only on November 29 but his complaint states that the tower was missing on March 31.

So... Just report it whenever then, I guess.

Bad things always happen in the past financial year

So, when they say “mobile tower”, do they mean a cell tower?

who is even going to buy the thing? I'm baffled as to why. Is there a discount mobile carrier that would buy cheap cell towers off the back of a truck in some dark alley? Did someone want to bring it home for better reception?

They cut the metal up, sort out the copper and sell the lost to some scrap dealer.

Cartels, terrorist organizations, paramilitary groups. Anybody who wants their own network or easy backdoor access to an existing one. Just guessing though.

What you call a cell phone has always been called a mobile phone in Australia. Likely other countries too.

Uttar Pradesh sounds like a place with a lot of crime and violence. Lots of rape and raps related murders too.