Fallout - Teaser Trailer | Prime Video

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to Games@sh.itjust.works – 71 points –
Fallout - Teaser Trailer | Prime Video

I want this to be good, but Amazon's track record with Rings of Power, etc makes me think there's no way it won't be a disappointment.

I feel like I'm the only person on planet Earth who really enjoyed the Rings of Power. 😥

It was fine. Enjoyed it, but it wasn't earth shattering or high art or anything particularly special

You aren't, but the people who didn't like it are loud and obnoxious so you hear a lot from them.

What did you like about the show? Was there anything you disliked?

I enjoyed most of the characters, especially the relationship between the dwarf prince and the elf smith! (been a bit since I've seen the show, forgive me for not remembering the names).

I really enjoyed the numenor segments, and anything involving the orcs and their tunnels. Also loved the hooded figure mystery.

I disliked most of the developments relating to Numenor not recognizing a threat and the Harfoots being scared of outsiders; I find xenophobia in media to be kind of a crutch that can be used to excuse lazy storytelling and creating unnecessary conflict, and these developments were no exception.

But, yeah, overall I found the show to be fun and entertaining, and I enjoyed most of the characters. And, yes, this also includes the warrior elf who many disliked. Without spoiling things, I think the actor fit that role very well.

I would give it a 7.5 out of 10, I very much enjoyed watching it and would gladly watch a sequel.

Keeping your expectations low is a smart move here.

I have no idea how I feel about this, to be honest. Nolan being behind it gives me some optimism, but Amazon being involved more or less cancels that out. The setting being back in the west makes me hopeful it will look more towards the classics for inspiration, but then again a lot of the visuals and aesthetics in the trailer look a bit too modern rather than 1950s retro-futuristic.

My problem with this teaser is the show take place in California. But no sign of the New California Republic. All they needed to do is show a NCR flag in the background.

EDIT Also the NCR is not in the promotional materials from Amazon/Bethesda.

The CGI looks a bit cheap. I wonder if this is Black Isle/Obsidian inspired or Bethsoft. Nolan strikes me as an OG fan. I hope it's fun. I'm not expecting good, but Fallout has a fun and vicarious vibe that I hope this captures.

It literally says "acclaimed video game creator Todd Howard" that should tell you enough lol

I will remain extremely skeptical as the only good show adaption of a video game is Kirby.

I'm excited by what I see in the trailer. But I always expect failure when it comes to game based stories. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised

I'm gonna watch it. Plot-wise there is so much you could do. What will really make or break it is the props and atmosphere. All you gotta do is have some 1950/60s retrofuture.